谙洛伊521 谙洛伊1314

Party b undertakes that it will act in good faith, endeavor to perform its obligations hereunder, will not sub-contract its obligations hereunder to any third party, and will carefully protect the interests of party a as a responsible person should.

Party b agrees and undertakes not to introduce the project to any third party or provide any information, advice, assistance or any similar services related to the project to any third party during the term hereof. 乙方同意并承诺在本协议有效期内不会将项目介绍给任何第三方,也不会向任何第三方提供与本项目有关的信息和建议、协助或任何类似服务。

Without prior written authorization of party a, party b shall not act as or act as the representative of any third party in conflict of interest with party b. 未经甲方事先书面授权,乙方不得作为或担任与乙方存在利益冲突额任何第三方的代表。

Without the prior written consent of party a, party b shall not, on behalf of party a, make any representations, warranties or warranties to any third party, enter into any contract, agreement or do any other act, or use party a's trademark, commodity name or logo; Under no circumstances shall such obligation be imposed on or bound to party a.

Party b shall comply with all relevant rules and regulations in performing its obligations hereunder; And shall be independently responsible for any and all actions of itself. 乙方在履行其在本协议项下的义务过程中应遵守所有相关的规则和规定;且应独立对其自身的任何和一切行为负责。 需同意本协议才可与谙洛伊签订大理合作协议。




浪漫仪式口红谙洛伊,谙洛伊英文ulnconve为unconditional love的缩写。谙洛伊口红在谙洛伊官网专区之上。